Q. Write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you found interesting and relevant in our times.
A. I agree with Arnold's views on detachment and disinterestedness. Critic can not pass a fair and impartial judgement by being emotionally attached to a literary creation.
⤗ For example, In Bhagvad Gita also we can find the same principle of detachment. shri Krishna is the best example of detachment and disinterestedness.
⤗ Same is with the umpire of cricket match. While passing the judgement, he is neither happy nor unhappy. He must be impartial. He can't consider any team by its religion or region.
⤗ Another example is oil drop on water surface. Critic must be like oil drop while evaluating any piece of art.
⤗ One can't judge any artistic creation on personal or historical biases. If he does so then it would be unfair criticism. We have current example of the film Padmavati, where some people fail to consider it as an artistic expression. Most of the time we fail to consider art as purely art, artistic freedom must be given to the maker / actor / painter.
⤗ One can't judge any artistic creation on personal or historical biases. If he does so then it would be unfair criticism. We have current example of the film Padmavati, where some people fail to consider it as an artistic expression. Most of the time we fail to consider art as purely art, artistic freedom must be given to the maker / actor / painter.
⤗ Another example we can take that, suppose we are Negros and an author writes a text on that community. So while criticising that text it becomes very much necessary that do I see whether I am represented in good manner or misrepresented, or I can see art as purely art ( use of metaphor, etc ).
Q. Write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you found out-of-date and irrelevant in our times.
A. Talking about ' Touchstone Method ', I don't found it relevant in present time. The basic problem is with methodology. Why one should bring something from past to evaluate present thing? It is not fair way to evaluate something.
⤗ One can also find some lines problematic viz, in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and can say he is not a great dramatist in compare to the other. Everyone has their own talent and uniqueness, so there is no need to compare one thing to the other.
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