Monday, 18 December 2017
Polandians' visit to Department
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Movie screening of the novel Frankenstein
Today there was film screening in our department, Frankenstein directed by Kenneth Branagh. It was based on the book Frankenstein- the modern prometheus written by Marry shelley.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Special DS
Yesterday our DS committee head announced that today ( 12/ 12/ 2017 )we will have boys special DS. All boys participated enthusiastically and performed very well. DS is something wherein we can present our non-academic skills, such as how to anchor, how to recite a poem with proper tone of voice, technical skills, etc. All boys participated enthusiastically and performed very well. Mehul anchored today's DS. Ramiz recited a poem written by him. Theme of this poem was girl exploitation which has been done over the centuries by ancestors. Hereby I am sharing the link of this poem.
Abul presented various rituals which prevailed all around the world about marriage, which was very informative and funny as well.
Vipul participated in news reading, vocabulary drill ( hangry ).
At last Dr. Dilip Barad sir reviewed it which is not less than jackpot for the participants. 😀👍
Saturday, 9 December 2017
Library arrangement
Today the members of library committee prepared list of departmental library books with its series no and an author / editor's name. It was an amazing experience.
Friday, 8 December 2017
Matthew Arnold

Q. Write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you found interesting and relevant in our times.
⤗ One can't judge any artistic creation on personal or historical biases. If he does so then it would be unfair criticism. We have current example of the film Padmavati, where some people fail to consider it as an artistic expression. Most of the time we fail to consider art as purely art, artistic freedom must be given to the maker / actor / painter.
⤗ Another example we can take that, suppose we are Negros and an author writes a text on that community. So while criticising that text it becomes very much necessary that do I see whether I am represented in good manner or misrepresented, or I can see art as purely art ( use of metaphor, etc ).
A. Talking about ' Touchstone Method ', I don't found it relevant in present time. The basic problem is with methodology. Why one should bring something from past to evaluate present thing? It is not fair way to evaluate something.
⤗ One can also find some lines problematic viz, in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and can say he is not a great dramatist in compare to the other. Everyone has their own talent and uniqueness, so there is no need to compare one thing to the other.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Coleridge's view on Prose, Pem and Poetry
↠ Samuel Taylor Coleridge's : Biographia Literaria :
Biographia literaria includes some of the most important English writing on poetic theory. Some of it is a response to ideas of poetry advanced by his close friend and collaborator WILLIAM WORDSWORTH first in the 1800 preface to their joint publication LYRICAL BALLADSand then in the preface to wordsworth's collection poems(1815). referring to the letter, coleridge says he wants in Biographia Literaria to make clear 'on what points I coincide with the opinions in that preface, and in what points I altogether differ'.
Demonic poems: - The rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Kubla Khan
- christabel
Conversational poems: - Frost at Morning
- Dejection: An Ode
Essays: - Biographia Litraria
- Lecture on Shakespear

Difference between poem and prose:

According to Coleridge:
Poem and Prose can not be distinguish from rhyme or meter but he said ultimate and immediate can make them different . The immediate aim of prose is to show truth and the immediate aim of poetry is to give aesthetic pleasure. The ultimate aim of poetry is to show truth.
In Poem I can observe that if a person writes his own creation it includes his feelings, emotions and also his life long experiance that's call poem.
Prose means, " written or spoken language in its ordinary form without metrical structure" or "Words in their best order"
If a writer says something directly or in a prosaic form has different impression than a poet says in poetic manner. If a writer expressed love in prose is good but the lines "my love is like a red red rose..." is more affective. The second one gives truth with delight while the first one is just related with truth. so the prose has all the quailites but it ha slight different and i's the feeling of delight.

"It must be one , the parts of which mutually supports and explain each other; all in their proportion harmonizing with , and supporting the purpose and known influence of metrical arrangement."
According to Coleridge:
"poetry of the highest kind may exist without meter and even without rhyme and was contra-distinguish object of mind."
The main difference between poem and poetry is...
For it is a distinguish resulting from the poetic genius itself , which sustains and modifies the images, thoughts, and emotion of the poetic's own mind. Thus the difference between poem and poetry is not clear, to defining poetry proceeds to enumerate the characteristics of the imagination.
Monday, 20 November 2017
Dr. Faustus
1) The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theatre ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer). What does it signify?
The lat scene of the play directed by Matthew Dunster for globe theatre signifies the highest level of weakedness. Lucifer is the prince of devil, the ruler of hell and Mephistophillis' master. Mephistophilis's words that,
3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus?
Aristotle's Poetics
1) yes, i am agree with plato's objection to freedom expression artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers. Nowadays the telecast of T.V serials like Crime petrol, CID, and Savdhan India shows. These type of negative sense reflected on children's mind because they were also see this kind of serials.
2) During my B.A. studies i have studied the play Othello,the play follows Aristotlian tragedy. Othello is a tragic hero of the play and he provoked by Iago and he killed Desdemona. at that time creates Catharsis as a tragic quality. Othello's careless view shows that it followed Aristotelian tragedy.
3) B.A. text Hairy Ape doesn't follow Aristotelian literary tradition. It is a modern tragedy.
4) I have studied Tughlaq in my B.A. programme. The play is an artistically presented the complexity of protagonist and the play is full of intrigues. Tragic hero highly placed individual.
5) yes, Othello followes the plot of tragedy proposed by Aristotle like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc.
Dryden's essay : of Dramatic Poesy
Robinson Crusoe
Robinson crusoe is a 18th century novel written by Daniel Defoe.It was published in 1719 and it was among one of the most widely punished books.It is an adventure story of the character Robinson Crusoe. We seen many social issues in this novel like racism,colonialism etc.
We can see colonialism in various points. These are politics of naming, language, culture,religion, relation.
1. Crusoe gives a Christian name 'Friday'who was nigro people of that island.From this name giving process colonialism stared. Crusoe started rulling over Friday.Here, we describe Friday as a colonized and crusoe as a colonizer.
2. Crusoe starts relationship between him and Friday as a master-slave .He commandsFriday to said him as master and crusoe called Friday as a "MY MAN".
3. Crusoe teach Friday to his English language. Even Friday also think like that he is inferior than crusoe.
4. Crusoe throws his own culture on Friday. He tells him to wear clothes. But Friday was uncomfortable in wearing clothes.
5. Crusoe started teaching his own Christian religion to Friday. Crusoe tells him that his God is superior than his God.
These all points described colonialism in novel.
Yes, colonialism works in contemporary time .Before Independence Britishers rulled overon us. But after Independence Britishers rulled over our mind set.Today we accept many rituals of western culture like ring ceremony, cake cutting ceremony etc.Today we suffer as "Black people "in white countries .And we also except that we are inferior than white people.Our minds are so much affected by English language and english people.
■ The movie describing only one voyage but originally in text there are two or three voyages.
■ In original text many things like repenting, disobeying his parents, whole life of Crusoe these all things are missing in film.
■ In original text Friday total submitted himself to Crusoe but in film he does not.
■ In original text crusoe told Friday about God and Friday accepted all things.But in film Friday argued about his God with crusoe.
■ Most important thing is relationship. In original text relationship between Crusoe and Friday as a master-slave. But in film , bond between crusoe and Friday as friends.
Anti-colonial elements in the film :
The most important change in the film that shows anti-colonial nature.In film Crusoe became Friday's friend.We can see strong bond between Crusoe and Friday.
In film Friday argued with Crusoe in every point. He never allowed Crusoe as his master,he never accept Crusoe's culture, his religion, his clothes.
These all points shows anti-colonialism while original text is totally opposite from film.
Post Truth
Post truth is declared as the word of the year 2016, by Oxford Dictionary.
Definition :
Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
'In this era of post-truth politics, it's easy to cherry-pick data and come to whatever conclusion you desire '
Our Judiciary motto is 'Satyamev Jayate', but nowadays, this 'Satya' has changed. Any incident has three sides of truth, in which first and second truth stands for each party wehereas third one is for actual fact.
We can say that we are living in post-truth era, because in present time, media is releasing the news in such a way that to know actual truth is became much difficult for common man than educated mass. It happens often when the matter is related to political statements.
The word 'post' is the sign of decay. wherever this word gets attached, the later word losts its not only importance but existance even.
Definition :
Elizabeth golden age movie review
- Then his brother Edward 6 came to the thrown but he died at the age of fifteen years only. Soon afterwards her sister Marry holds the reign of England, who later on got fame as Bloody Marry, because of her approach to the religion. She highly digress people to follow the religion which she was following. She was very much cruel in a way.
She is highly influential to both the things. History never had the ruler like her. She herself was a kind of revival to history of mankind. And she is still influential today’s world. For all our political leaders she stands as role model for burning question like how to rule. We should not cut down the string from history and try to get connect it with contemporary situation. Then and then we will be able to emerge something fruitful to the world.
ELT - 2. Language Lab
Hello readers, This blog contains the information about What is language lab software, its brief history, features and benefits. So enjoy r...
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To evaluate my assignment click here, NAME : DHARMA J. GOHEL MA : SEM – 1 ROLL NO : 09 ENROLLMENT NO : 2069108420180014 BATC...
Hello readers, This blog is a response of my curriculum activity. For more details, visit this blog. Someho...