Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Coleridge's view on Prose, Pem and Poetry
↠ Samuel Taylor Coleridge's : Biographia Literaria :
Biographia literaria includes some of the most important English writing on poetic theory. Some of it is a response to ideas of poetry advanced by his close friend and collaborator WILLIAM WORDSWORTH first in the 1800 preface to their joint publication LYRICAL BALLADSand then in the preface to wordsworth's collection poems(1815). referring to the letter, coleridge says he wants in Biographia Literaria to make clear 'on what points I coincide with the opinions in that preface, and in what points I altogether differ'.
Demonic poems: - The rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Kubla Khan
- christabel
Conversational poems: - Frost at Morning
- Dejection: An Ode
Essays: - Biographia Litraria
- Lecture on Shakespear

Difference between poem and prose:

According to Coleridge:
Poem and Prose can not be distinguish from rhyme or meter but he said ultimate and immediate can make them different . The immediate aim of prose is to show truth and the immediate aim of poetry is to give aesthetic pleasure. The ultimate aim of poetry is to show truth.
In Poem I can observe that if a person writes his own creation it includes his feelings, emotions and also his life long experiance that's call poem.
Prose means, " written or spoken language in its ordinary form without metrical structure" or "Words in their best order"
If a writer says something directly or in a prosaic form has different impression than a poet says in poetic manner. If a writer expressed love in prose is good but the lines "my love is like a red red rose..." is more affective. The second one gives truth with delight while the first one is just related with truth. so the prose has all the quailites but it ha slight different and i's the feeling of delight.

"It must be one , the parts of which mutually supports and explain each other; all in their proportion harmonizing with , and supporting the purpose and known influence of metrical arrangement."
According to Coleridge:
"poetry of the highest kind may exist without meter and even without rhyme and was contra-distinguish object of mind."
The main difference between poem and poetry is...
For it is a distinguish resulting from the poetic genius itself , which sustains and modifies the images, thoughts, and emotion of the poetic's own mind. Thus the difference between poem and poetry is not clear, to defining poetry proceeds to enumerate the characteristics of the imagination.
Monday, 20 November 2017
Dr. Faustus
1) The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theatre ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer). What does it signify?
The lat scene of the play directed by Matthew Dunster for globe theatre signifies the highest level of weakedness. Lucifer is the prince of devil, the ruler of hell and Mephistophillis' master. Mephistophilis's words that,
The lat scene of the play directed by Matthew Dunster for globe theatre signifies the highest level of weakedness. Lucifer is the prince of devil, the ruler of hell and Mephistophillis' master. Mephistophilis's words that,
" I am a servant to great Lucifer
And may not follow thee without his leave. "
2) Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If No, why?
A. Yes, God is undoubtedly present in the present play. God is invisibly visible in the mind of protagonist. Whenever Faustus is about to commit something which can't be considered as good, there is voice of God in form of old man and good angel.
When Faustus calls Helen, at that time old man tells him that, don't go on that path. After that you won't be a man but an evil.
we can also find God in the form of good angel who warns Faustus to leave his desire to learn necromancy.
" O Faustus, lay that damned book aside;
And gazed not on it lest it tempt thy soul."
3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus?
This image is portrayal of two Greek mythological character of Icarus and Daedalus. Daedalus makes waxen wings for his son who desires to fly in the sky. Daedalus warns Icarus to not fly higher in the sky, but Icarus disobeyed his father and therefore fall and drowned into the see. He is the only one who is responsible for his own downfall.
Aristotle's Poetics
Response to thinking activity on Aristotle's Poetics. Click here
Plato's objection to Aristotle:-
1) yes, i am agree with plato's objection to freedom expression artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers. Nowadays the telecast of T.V serials like Crime petrol, CID, and Savdhan India shows. These type of negative sense reflected on children's mind because they were also see this kind of serials.
2) During my B.A. studies i have studied the play Othello,the play follows Aristotlian tragedy. Othello is a tragic hero of the play and he provoked by Iago and he killed Desdemona. at that time creates Catharsis as a tragic quality. Othello's careless view shows that it followed Aristotelian tragedy.
3) B.A. text Hairy Ape doesn't follow Aristotelian literary tradition. It is a modern tragedy.
4) I have studied Tughlaq in my B.A. programme. The play is an artistically presented the complexity of protagonist and the play is full of intrigues. Tragic hero highly placed individual.
5) yes, Othello followes the plot of tragedy proposed by Aristotle like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc.
1) yes, i am agree with plato's objection to freedom expression artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers. Nowadays the telecast of T.V serials like Crime petrol, CID, and Savdhan India shows. These type of negative sense reflected on children's mind because they were also see this kind of serials.
2) During my B.A. studies i have studied the play Othello,the play follows Aristotlian tragedy. Othello is a tragic hero of the play and he provoked by Iago and he killed Desdemona. at that time creates Catharsis as a tragic quality. Othello's careless view shows that it followed Aristotelian tragedy.
3) B.A. text Hairy Ape doesn't follow Aristotelian literary tradition. It is a modern tragedy.
4) I have studied Tughlaq in my B.A. programme. The play is an artistically presented the complexity of protagonist and the play is full of intrigues. Tragic hero highly placed individual.
5) yes, Othello followes the plot of tragedy proposed by Aristotle like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc.
Dryden's essay : of Dramatic Poesy
Hellow readers, i have written this blog as a part of my academic curriculum. To know more about it click here,
1. Do you think any difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of play?
Aristotle's definition of tragedy"Tragedy then is imitation of an action that.................. these and similar emotions."
Dryden's definition of "just and lively image of human nature........for the delight and instructions of mankind "
Here is the main difference in it that Dryden says that a play must present image of human nature. While Aristotle says that it shows pity and fear and also an imitation of an action.so in that way main different about humans reaction and expression when he watches tragedy or play.
2. If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you on the side of the ancient or modern?
I would like to be on the side of the ancient because at that time three unites were presented good and well. Crites also defending the ancient and said that " in all things " and offered nothing really new in terms of " serious thoughts " he also says that " we have to remember that we are probably missing a lot of subtleties the language are dead and the customs far removed from this time ".one proverb is that "old is gold" so I would like to take a side of ancient time.
3. Do you think that the arguments presented in favour of the French play and against English plays are appropriate?
Yes I think French play is appropriate than English play because in French pay plots are always based on some well known story and the story is suitable modified and transformed for dramatic purpose.while in English play even great Shakespeare do not modify and transformed their story for dramatic purpose. This and other reason are favouring to the French paly. So I think the argument is appropriate.
4.what would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play?
I would be preference as poetic dialogue are concerned in the play because in the play use of rhyme are also shows importance of poetic dialogue. Without rhymes play not become live and interested . Rhymes affects readers emotions and feelings . If we use appropriate poetic dialogue in appropriate place in the play it's become more beautiful.
Robinson Crusoe
Hellow readers, this blog is a response to my academic curriculum, Robinson Crusoe to go worksheet, click here,
Robinson crusoe is a 18th century novel written by Daniel Defoe.It was published in 1719 and it was among one of the most widely punished books.It is an adventure story of the character Robinson Crusoe. We seen many social issues in this novel like racism,colonialism etc.
We can see colonialism in various points. These are politics of naming, language, culture,religion, relation.
1. Crusoe gives a Christian name 'Friday'who was nigro people of that island.From this name giving process colonialism stared. Crusoe started rulling over Friday.Here, we describe Friday as a colonized and crusoe as a colonizer.
2. Crusoe starts relationship between him and Friday as a master-slave .He commandsFriday to said him as master and crusoe called Friday as a "MY MAN".
3. Crusoe teach Friday to his English language. Even Friday also think like that he is inferior than crusoe.
4. Crusoe throws his own culture on Friday. He tells him to wear clothes. But Friday was uncomfortable in wearing clothes.
5. Crusoe started teaching his own Christian religion to Friday. Crusoe tells him that his God is superior than his God.
These all points described colonialism in novel.
Yes, colonialism works in contemporary time .Before Independence Britishers rulled overon us. But after Independence Britishers rulled over our mind set.Today we accept many rituals of western culture like ring ceremony, cake cutting ceremony etc.Today we suffer as "Black people "in white countries .And we also except that we are inferior than white people.Our minds are so much affected by English language and english people.
The movie is different than the original text in many ways.
■ The movie describing only one voyage but originally in text there are two or three voyages.
■ In original text many things like repenting, disobeying his parents, whole life of Crusoe these all things are missing in film.
■ In original text Friday total submitted himself to Crusoe but in film he does not.
■ In original text crusoe told Friday about God and Friday accepted all things.But in film Friday argued about his God with crusoe.
■ Most important thing is relationship. In original text relationship between Crusoe and Friday as a master-slave. But in film , bond between crusoe and Friday as friends.
Anti-colonial elements in the film :
The most important change in the film that shows anti-colonial nature.In film Crusoe became Friday's friend.We can see strong bond between Crusoe and Friday.
In film Friday argued with Crusoe in every point. He never allowed Crusoe as his master,he never accept Crusoe's culture, his religion, his clothes.
These all points shows anti-colonialism while original text is totally opposite from film.
Robinson crusoe is a 18th century novel written by Daniel Defoe.It was published in 1719 and it was among one of the most widely punished books.It is an adventure story of the character Robinson Crusoe. We seen many social issues in this novel like racism,colonialism etc.
We can see colonialism in various points. These are politics of naming, language, culture,religion, relation.
1. Crusoe gives a Christian name 'Friday'who was nigro people of that island.From this name giving process colonialism stared. Crusoe started rulling over Friday.Here, we describe Friday as a colonized and crusoe as a colonizer.
2. Crusoe starts relationship between him and Friday as a master-slave .He commandsFriday to said him as master and crusoe called Friday as a "MY MAN".
3. Crusoe teach Friday to his English language. Even Friday also think like that he is inferior than crusoe.
4. Crusoe throws his own culture on Friday. He tells him to wear clothes. But Friday was uncomfortable in wearing clothes.
5. Crusoe started teaching his own Christian religion to Friday. Crusoe tells him that his God is superior than his God.
These all points described colonialism in novel.
Yes, colonialism works in contemporary time .Before Independence Britishers rulled overon us. But after Independence Britishers rulled over our mind set.Today we accept many rituals of western culture like ring ceremony, cake cutting ceremony etc.Today we suffer as "Black people "in white countries .And we also except that we are inferior than white people.Our minds are so much affected by English language and english people.
■ The movie describing only one voyage but originally in text there are two or three voyages.
■ In original text many things like repenting, disobeying his parents, whole life of Crusoe these all things are missing in film.
■ In original text Friday total submitted himself to Crusoe but in film he does not.
■ In original text crusoe told Friday about God and Friday accepted all things.But in film Friday argued about his God with crusoe.
■ Most important thing is relationship. In original text relationship between Crusoe and Friday as a master-slave. But in film , bond between crusoe and Friday as friends.
Anti-colonial elements in the film :
The most important change in the film that shows anti-colonial nature.In film Crusoe became Friday's friend.We can see strong bond between Crusoe and Friday.
In film Friday argued with Crusoe in every point. He never allowed Crusoe as his master,he never accept Crusoe's culture, his religion, his clothes.
These all points shows anti-colonialism while original text is totally opposite from film.
Post Truth
Post truth is declared as the word of the year 2016, by Oxford Dictionary.
Definition :
Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
'In this era of post-truth politics, it's easy to cherry-pick data and come to whatever conclusion you desire '
Our Judiciary motto is 'Satyamev Jayate', but nowadays, this 'Satya' has changed. Any incident has three sides of truth, in which first and second truth stands for each party wehereas third one is for actual fact.
We can say that we are living in post-truth era, because in present time, media is releasing the news in such a way that to know actual truth is became much difficult for common man than educated mass. It happens often when the matter is related to political statements.
The word 'post' is the sign of decay. wherever this word gets attached, the later word losts its not only importance but existance even.
Definition :
Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
We can say that we are living in post-truth era, because in present time, media is releasing the news in such a way that to know actual truth is became much difficult for common man than educated mass. It happens often when the matter is related to political statements.
The word 'post' is the sign of decay. wherever this word gets attached, the later word losts its not only importance but existance even.
Elizabeth golden age movie review
Influence of Queen Elizabeth upon History & World.
Rise of Elizabeth as queen was a kind of gift to history of England and world of literature.
Short overview and background of Queen Elizabeth’s life and family:
-Born on 7th September, 1533; as the daughter of Kind Henry 6 and Ann Boleyn. She had brother and a sister named Edward and Mary respectively. Her mother Anne Boleyn was beheaded when Elizabeth was only three years old. She was beheaded for committing crime of adultery and incest.
- Then his brother Edward 6 came to the thrown but he died at the age of fifteen years only. Soon afterwards her sister Marry holds the reign of England, who later on got fame as Bloody Marry, because of her approach to the religion. She highly digress people to follow the religion which she was following. She was very much cruel in a way.
-Elizabeth as an individual was highly scholar and quick learner. From the age of eleven she had a wonderful command over some of the languages including French, Greek, Latin, Spanish, and Welsh etc. At that time Elizabeth was sent away in disgrace cause of her so-called affair with Seymour at the age of 14 years.
- Elizabeth was imprisoned on March 18, 1554 for Wyatt rebellion against Queen Marry 1. She was released on the date 19th May, 1554. Almost for month she got imprisoned. It shows that how rebellious nature she was having. She was ready to fight for the truth.
- Her sister Queen Marry 1 died on 17th of November, 1558 and now the power of thrown of England goes in the hand of Elizabeth. First thing she did after having power was that she established Protestants again in England. This is what something about religious tolerance. Although she was Catholic by born she does not only support her own religion.
‘I have no desire to make windows into mens’ soul.’
Elizabeth 1.
- Great poet such as William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson, Beaumont & Fletcher, Christopher Marlowe, Sir Richard Greenville and Sir Walter Raleign was the product of Queen’s love for literature.
- Queen Elizabeth ruled over England near about 45 years almost half the century she ruled over England. Then she died out of blood poisoning at the age of 70 years. She died on the date 24th of March 1603.
Woman of Renaissance spirit:
Renaissance means rebirth it is something to break some traditions and come up with new ideas. Elizabeth stands for that. Someone quoted about Elizabeth that England during her reign flitted as the nest of birds singing the songs of freedom, joy and happiness.
That would be only possible when queen or the king is so much intelligent and tactful in handling their business as leader. Queen Elizabeth was that much powerful to handle the rule single handedly.
She was very diplomatic in a sense that she would maintain all the group of people. It becomes very difficult when someone is holding on the power of larger country. Two extreme stand points are there and one has to choose either of them, by doing that, another might get disappointed. It’s even harder when two extreme points are both right and they have to choose one right point which is better. She was genius in handling that type of issue. Or else what will happen is, controversy will start taking place slowly but surely in the mind of people. Right decisions are rather harder to let them make understand that it is right. Or the character of ruler will come up as villain. For example Tughlaq, he was highly intellectual who actually wanted his people happy. But what decisions he took for betterment of people, they never came to understand and believe in that. And we know what tragedy happened with him as a king. What he lacked as a king, as a ruler was DIPLOMATIC SENSE.
Disinterested interest in all form of arts:
Elizabeth was thus able to remain most favorite of all class people even today. It is not necessarily important that what is good and especially interesting for me, might remain choice of all the other people. So when the person is at the high position might take care of others interests also. The Queen was interested in Literature but she not only supported the writers but also supported other arts whatever it is like singing or painting or anything else. She provided equal space in her court to that also.
All the creativity was flooded like anything. So even today we again check for best output to that particular era. But for that, other things are also very important. If a person is not able to satisfy his and his family’s basic demands like food then he perhaps may not think beyond that needs. It becomes also important to provide healthy wage to creative persona so that he can think something in different manner and provide some productive things to history of mankind. Elizabeth seems to provide secure wages to these kinds of people.
Religious tolerance:
As we see in the above mentioned part that there might be provided space to other art also, so that it may carry a specific culture. Likewise, religion is also something which we should not force others to follow the same which we are following irrespective of being even at the power position. It is even possible that every person’s religion might differ with the other being.
Christianity is parted mainly in two sections 1.Catholic and 2.Protestant. Queen Elizabeth belongs to Catholics. Her sister sacredly called Bloody Marry always stood for welfare of Catholics only. Even she told Elizabeth during her last days to do the same. But the first thing Elizabeth does after having charge as a queen was the establishment of Protestants again in England. As religion is one’s own personal matter and it does not affect anyhow to the reign.
The lady made out of Stone.
She was firm decision maker that is another characteristic of being good ruler. In spite of getting married she lived all alone during her life time. Time and again she was forced to get married by her courtiers and other people but she remained firm to remain virgin queen. In reply to the force from her people she used these words –
‘I am married to England.’
-Queen Elizabeth 1.
There are so many movie adaptions on the life of Queen Elizabeth as legend. Latest of all ‘Queen Elizabeth’ by Shekhar Kapur, I found well directed one. It covered such beautiful imagery for the character of Queen Elizabeth. Dialogue delivery and the acting done by Cate Blanchet was at its height. It covered up so many aspects like costume and setting. It filled up some gapes to understand it fully. Here are some pieces of effective dialogues.
1‘I too, can command the wind sir.’
2‘I am married to England.’
3‘I am no man’s Elizabeth.’
I think, character of Elizabeth is also open and benchmark example for feminist approach. She is actually the strongest persona to study upon for feminist approach. A strong and divine lady of all the strength may stand as representative for all woman.
Concluding all the above mentioned points are majorly like this. An individual should remain free from any kind of strings. The much more freedom is provided, much better environment one can create in the state. That personal freedom she have maintained and that is why she is still remembered.
So how is she influential to history and world? How the things are get connection with it?
She is highly influential to both the things. History never had the ruler like her. She herself was a kind of revival to history of mankind. And she is still influential today’s world. For all our political leaders she stands as role model for burning question like how to rule. We should not cut down the string from history and try to get connect it with contemporary situation. Then and then we will be able to emerge something fruitful to the world.
She stands as best example of many things like Feminist reading, politics. Today when we look back at English history, we should proudly connect it with Elizabeth.
This blog is written as a response to MA currriculum. To know more about it click here.
Q. How faithful is the movie to the original play?
↠ Movie is quite faithful to the play, because it has followed the text well, but it has also "a creative touch" by the director, and in scenes like the conversation between ghost and Hamlet, Hamlet's rude behavior towards Ophelia, we can notice it is very well directed and performed, it can express emotions as well as by imagination while reading.
Q. After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?
↠ At some point it has changed my perception about the play. While reading we can imagine the different kind of situations and scenes of the play, but after watching the movie we come to know about how the dialogues were delivered, and after observing the expressions, we conclude the interpretation more effectively. It has given a perfect support to the play to get proper meaning.
Q. Do you feel ‘aesthetic delight’ while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?
↠ Yes,this is tragic play, though I felt 'aesthetic delight' while i have watched some comic scenes of Hamlet and when there is a scene of Ophelia and Hamlet when they were happy, we can also feel delight when Hamlet recalls his memories with his father. Aesthetic delight can be found in tragic scene also, when Hamlet saw the ghost of his father and had a talk with him.
Q. Do you feel ‘catharsis’ while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?
↠ Yes, I felt 'catharsis' in such scenes like: when Hamlet come to know about his father's murder by his uncle and mother, when Hamlet is frustrated and he behaves cruelly with Ophelia, In the scene in which Ophelia had gone mad and his brother came, when Hamlet dies.
Q. Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
↠ Yes it is very much useful to get the play properly and in right way. At one point it can power up our imagination to get the setting, situations and the mind set of character by his expression. Audio visuals can effect more than 'Only reading', as we can remember easily what we have seen than what we have read.
Q. Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?
↠ There are many scenes in the play which are very beautifully directed, but the scene in which Hamlet follows the ghost and the whole conversation is beautifully directed, there is various emotions mingled together, there is delight, terror, revenge, shock and the feeling of hatred in the eyes of Hamlet, and the expression of the ghost and his effective voice, his tone is so effective.
Q. If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’?
↠ I feel that there is no need any changes in movie. Because movie is wonderfully presented by Kenneth Branagh. Movie is also faithful to play so I feel that there is no need any changes.
Q. In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of King Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this?
↠ Symbolism is one of the narrative technique. Director use very well this technique in his movie. The first and the last scene of the kings statue outside the castle symbolizes the ' circle of life'. Power never remains stagnant. It keeps on changing. Downfall is necessary to know the real value of power.
Q. While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.
↠ We can observe many approaches in one on the other way. I feel that psychological and formalist approach is more applicable. In such scenes of play Hamlet is with his mother and when he is going to take such decision towards his revenge with Claudius, many times he finds himself helpless. In formalist approach, all about trapping each other.
Q. Which of the above mentioned approaches (in Pre-viewing task) appeals you more than other?Why? Give reasons.
↠ In the play, formalist approach is appeals me more than any other approach. There is vast difference between "seeming" and "being" in all the major characters like Hamlet, Claudius and Gertrude. All are pretend as they are right and good but all has some kind of devilish intention. There is a question of " knowability" of characters in play.
Saturday, 18 November 2017
Pehredaar Piya Ki
Hello readers,
Here is my views on online discussion:
'Pehredaar Piya Ki' Progressive or Regressive ?
Pehredaar Piya Ki is a television show that revolves around the relationship between a nine-year-old boy and an 18-year-old woman. The woman is not only the boy, Ratan Singh’s bodyguard, but also his wife. The serial had been accused of making the child stalk the grown-up woman and more recently it featured a “suhaag raat (wedding night)” sequence. It would seem like there really is no rock bottom for soap operas in India.
↠ Angry viewers had started a petition, addressed to Smriti Irani, Union minister of information and broadcasting, to get Pehredaar Piya Ki off air. More than 71,246 people had expressed their approval over the show’s removal from television.
↠ Not just viewers, the show had received criticism from within the industry as well. Apart from child marriage evil or romantic engel which had shown, i think people should also start accept the truth that men can be protected by women. The patriarchal structure which has its deep roots in every Indian's mind, especially men, that only a men should be a protector of a girl or woman needs to change.
Now the cast and crew of this serial is coming back with the same concept but, with adult couple instead of minor-adult.
Now the cast and crew of this serial is coming back with the same concept but, with adult couple instead of minor-adult.
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